Wizard's Hell

A spell went wrong and you ended up in hell.  Can you fight your way out?

A game made for Bullet Hell Jam V.

  • Fight against increasingly hard waves of enemies.
  • Draw energy from the floor to shoot fireballs, but draw too much and it won't regenerate.
  • Pick up books to become more powerful, but your enemies gain power too.


ShootLeft Mouse Button
Restart GameEnter

Developed by Didier Fuentes

Music by ShoiShoi10Two


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I simple but effectly bullet hell, which really focuses on the “bullet” and “hell” part. Absolutely insane levels of bullets flying around the screen. My only critique is that I got up to Wave 15, Level 16 with 320 health before I stopped playing as there appeared to be no end to the game, and I wasn’t dying any time soon. I didn’t see any books to pick up, but that would have been great for the consequences. Good job!